This repository holds configuration as code for the homelab.
- Replicate a enterprise ecosystem to learn and practice new technologies on a safe environment.
- Self-host applications.
- Tinkering.
- Kubernetes Cluster:
- k3s installation for simplicity.
- 1 control node.
- 3 worker nodes.
- NAS:
- Host a small subset of services.
- MediaServer.
- Provides NFS Storage to workloads on the kubernetes cluster.
- The configuration of the hosts is managed via ansible to provision the initial configuration.
- Applications are deployed to k8s cluster with GitOps.
- Web UIs will always be exposed through ingress with https with a valid certificate.
- Secrets are encrypted using SealedSecrets.
- Create baseline OS image. (Packer or other tool)
- Configure NAS with ansible.
- Move simple kubernetes/helm files to ArgoCD applications leveraging sealedsecrets